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Collaborate with our cause through a fixed monthly direct debit payment and help us continue to work every month in favour of the education and development of those in need. Fill in the form below or contact us at

(This option of collaboration is possible only to individuals or entities that have a bank account in European Union).
Payment (in €) : 
Other quantity : 
Periodicity:      Monthly
Document type : 
Document number: 
Postal code: 
IBAN: (24 digits) 
Account holder: 
Please enter the letters/numbers shown:

In compliance with the Organic law 15/1999, from the 13th of December, of personal data protection, we inform you that the data provided through this form will be included in a file who's owner and responsible is ME IMPORTAS non-profit organisation, residing at C/Gil de Fuentes N.7 Primero, 34001 Palencia, Spain. The motive behind the data collection is to manage collaborations and donations, as well as periodically forward information related to the activities, initiatives, news and events of our association. You may exercise you rights to access, rectify, cancel and oppose this data established in said law by writing to us at our address, or emailing us at attaching a copy of your ID.